About Us
The trend of owning something unique, stylish & limited edition is on the rise. All this is driven by the desire to stand out from the crowd, demonstrate your uniqueness and express yourself creatively. What better way to express your creativity & individuality than Fashion?
Traditionally fashion has been the key way to express your individuality and create your identity in the world. As we live more and more digitally, our wardrobes will also need an upgrade in the form of Digital Wearables.
This gave rise to Unstitched - A Creator Marketplace for Digital Fashion with easy to use tools & services where anybody can become a Fashion Designer and launch their collection of Digital Fashion. We are here to create a new generation of "Fashionprenuers" and generate additional revenue streams through Digital Fashion.
Our platform is built to help aspiring Creators, Digital Fashion lovers, established designers, Influencers and Brands to launch their Digital Fashion labels with ease.
We are your Digital Fashion Assistant! From conceiving your NFT Digital Fashion collection to designing 3D assets, promoting your garments through our "Try on" AR filters and launching your NFT collection on the Blockchain, Unstitched has you covered.
Think of us as a Digital Fashion House where we assist Creators & Brands through their journey of Creating, Minting, Marketing & Promoting their Digital Fashion NFT’s.
We are here to Digitize Fashion & make you Fashion ready for the Social Digital World that is sustainable, size inclusive & gender fluid!

Our Vision
To create an immersive fashion multiverse by uniting Fashion Enthusiasts, Brands, Artists & Individuals in creating sustainable, size inclusive & gender fluid Digital Wearables.
To provide easy to use tools & services for Creating & Promoting Digital Fashion where all participants can profit from their trade & craft.
Together we will build the largest and most exquisite Meta closet one step at a time.e